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RealFit I - Inele molari (M. 29.5-44)
RealFit II snap - Inele molari (M. 1-32)
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Beta-Titan TMA*
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Quad Helix / TPA / Lip Bumper
Clasa 2 / 3 & Mini-Șuruburi
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3D Correction Appliance
BioCrystal™ Aesthetic Distalizer
3M™ Forsus™ Corrector - Clasa II
CS™ System (Dynaflex) - Cl. II / III
Sara™ (Forestadent) - Clasa II
D2™ Appliance
Arc de distalizare molară
Flex Developer™
Șuruburi ortodontice - ancorare corti.
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Essix™ ACE™ Plastic, .030" (0,75 mm), sqaure 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1A350
Retention after orthodontic treatment is vital to maintaining a patients new smile. Clear retainers made from Essix ACE Plastic are an esthetically-pleasing option for patients who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire.
• Primary use: Aligners & Retainers
Pack: 100 sheets
159,00 EUR
791,31 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ ACE™ Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), sqaure 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1A450
Retention after orthodontic treatment is vital to maintaining a patients new smile. Clear retainers made from Essix ACE Plastic are an esthetically-pleasing option for patients who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire.
• Primary use: Aligners & Retainers
Pack: 100 sheets
159,00 EUR
791,31 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ ACE™ Plastic, .030" (0,75 mm), round 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1A325
Retention after orthodontic treatment is vital to maintaining a patients new smile. Clear retainers made from Essix ACE Plastic are an esthetically-pleasing option for patients who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire.
• Primary use: Aligners & Retainers
Pack: 100 sheets
159,00 EUR
791,31 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ ACE™ Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), round 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1A425
Retention after orthodontic treatment is vital to maintaining a patients new smile. Clear retainers made from Essix ACE Plastic are an esthetically-pleasing option for patients who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire.
• Primary use: Aligners & Retainers
Pack: 100 sheets
159,00 EUR
791,31 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ PLUS Plastic, .035" (0,9 mm), sqaure 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1APL35S5
Engineered for performance, Essix PLUS Plastic combines the clarity your patients expect with the durability you can stand behind.
• Primary use: Retainers & Bruxism Appliances
• Also use for aligners and temporary bridges
Pack: 80 sheets
199,00 EUR
990,38 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ PLUS Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), sqaure 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1APL40S5
Engineered for performance, Essix PLUS Plastic combines the clarity your patients expect with the durability you can stand behind.
• Primary use: Retainers & Bruxism Appliances
• Also use for aligners and temporary bridges
Pack: 80 sheets
199,00 EUR
990,38 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ PLUS Plastic, .035" (0,9 mm), square 125mm x 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1APL35S125
Engineered for performance, Essix PLUS Plastic combines the clarity your patients expect with the durability you can stand behind.
• Primary use: Retainers & Bruxism Appliances
• Also use for aligners and temporary bridges
Pack: 80 sheets
199,00 EUR
990,38 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ PLUS Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), square 125mm x 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1APL40S125
Engineered for performance, Essix PLUS Plastic combines the clarity your patients expect with the durability you can stand behind.
• Primary use: Retainers & Bruxism Appliances
• Also use for aligners and temporary bridges
Pack: 80 sheets
199,00 EUR
990,38 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ PLUS Plastic, .035" (0,9 mm), round 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1APL35C125
Engineered for performance, Essix PLUS Plastic combines the clarity your patients expect with the durability you can stand behind.
• Primary use: Retainers & Bruxism Appliances
• Also use for aligners and temporary bridges
Pack: 80 sheets
199,00 EUR
990,38 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ PLUS Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), round 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1APL40C125
Engineered for performance, Essix PLUS Plastic combines the clarity your patients expect with the durability you can stand behind.
• Primary use: Retainers & Bruxism Appliances
• Also use for aligners and temporary bridges
Pack: 80 sheets
199,00 EUR
990,38 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ PLUS Plastic, .035" (0,9 mm), round 120mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1APL35C120
Engineered for performance, Essix PLUS Plastic combines the clarity your patients expect with the durability you can stand behind.
• Primary use: Retainers & Bruxism Appliances
• Also use for aligners and temporary bridges
Pack: 80 sheets
199,00 EUR
990,38 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ PLUS Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), round 120mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1APL40C120
Engineered for performance, Essix PLUS Plastic combines the clarity your patients expect with the durability you can stand behind.
• Primary use: Retainers & Bruxism Appliances
• Also use for aligners and temporary bridges
Pack: 80 sheets
199,00 EUR
990,38 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .020" (0,50 mm), square 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 10025
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 100 sheets
83,90 EUR
417,55 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .030" (0,75 mm), square 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 10035
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 100 sheets
93,90 EUR
467,32 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), square 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 10045
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 100 sheets
93,90 EUR
467,32 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .060" (1,5 mm), square 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 10065
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 50 sheets
85,50 EUR
425,52 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .080" (2,0 mm), square 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 10085
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 50 sheets
96,50 EUR
480,26 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .120" (3,0 mm), square 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 13500
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 25 sheets
87,50 EUR
435,47 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .030" (0,75 mm), round 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 11030
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 100 sheets
93,90 EUR
467,32 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), round 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 11040
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 100 sheets
93,90 EUR
467,32 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .060" (1,5 mm), round 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 11060
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 50 sheets
85,50 EUR
425,52 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ A+™ Plastic, .080" (2,0 mm), round 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 11080
Essix A+ Plastic is Crystal Clear and Rigid. Removable bite plane appliances can easily be fabricated in-office with Essix A+ Plastic. Bite planes may be used to treat patients with a deep bite.
• Clear material has blue protective film on both sides- Remove film prior to fabrication
• Also use for splints, nightguards (.080" and .120" thicknesses) and snoring appliances
• .020", .030", and .040" thicknesses are not recommended for bruxers
Pack: 50 sheets
96,50 EUR
480,26 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ C+™ Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), square 127mm x 127mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1C500
Clear retainers made from Essix C+ Plastic are an esthetically pleasing option for bruxers who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire. When making retainers and aligners for bruxers, a more flexible plastic provides additional strength to help withstand mastication pressure.
• Primary use: Aligners & Retainers for Bruxers
• Also used for bite planes
• Not for use with acrylics/bonding agents
Pack: 100 sheets
109,90 EUR
546,95 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ C+™ Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), square 125mm x 125mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1C478
Clear retainers made from Essix C+ Plastic are an esthetically pleasing option for bruxers who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire. When making retainers and aligners for bruxers, a more flexible plastic provides additional strength to help withstand mastication pressure.
• Primary use: Aligners & Retainers for Bruxers
• Also used for bite planes
• Not for use with acrylics/bonding agents
Pack: 100 sheets
109,90 EUR
546,95 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ C+™ Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), round 125
| Dentsply Sirona - 1C125
Clear retainers made from Essix C+ Plastic are an esthetically pleasing option for bruxers who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire. When making retainers and aligners for bruxers, a more flexible plastic provides additional strength to help withstand mastication pressure.
• Primary use: Aligners & Retainers for Bruxers
• Also used for bite planes
• Not for use with acrylics/bonding agents
Pack: 100 sheets
109,90 EUR
546,95 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
Essix™ C+™ Plastic, .040" (1,0 mm), round 120mm
| Dentsply Sirona - 1C120
Clear retainers made from Essix C+ Plastic are an esthetically pleasing option for bruxers who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire. When making retainers and aligners for bruxers, a more flexible plastic provides additional strength to help withstand mastication pressure.
• Primary use: Aligners & Retainers for Bruxers
• Also used for bite planes
• Not for use with acrylics/bonding agents
Pack: 100 sheets
109,90 EUR
546,95 RON
+ 19% TVA +
Taxe de expediere
In cos
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